Our Community

We provide a home and meaningful work experience through retail, catering distribution and DIY services.

Emmaus Hampshire has 33 rooms available for those experiencing homelessness. Once individuals join our community they are known as companions.

Unlike a lot of support for homeless people, we offer a home for as long as someone needs it. Our companions get a room of their own, food, clothing, and a small weekly allowance. In return we ask that:

  • Companions work for 40 hours per week, in our community
  • That they behave in a respectful way towards one another
  • No alcohol or illegal drugs are used on the premises
  • They sign off of all benefits, with the exception of housing benefit


Although living in a community is not for everyone, it can offer the companionship and support that many people who have experienced homelessness have lost. This can be key to helping someone to stop, take stock, and start to regain a sense of control and stability in their lives.